Customize Teams

Right now it seems like anyone I invite to my “team” is always and forever in one bucket, making it impossible for me to manage more than one team.

If I work closely with more than one team, it does not appear that there is a way to manage access for various departments.

It would be great to see some more functionality built into the teams area of the product! :+1:


Agreed, I’ve been invited by another user today, here are the things that I don’t understand:

  • I can delete their models, and they aren’t recoverable, this is a huge security risk. They should be able to disable deletion for other team members.
  • I don’t see the plan of the team I have been invited to. I don’t know if the “Teams” features are limited because of my current plan and if they’d be lifted by upgrading.
  • I can create folders but can’t move models that don’t belong to me there. I wish I could reorganize things myself (that’s why I was invited in the group in the first place)

Related to deletion:

  • I wish any deleted model would be moved into a Trash/Bin where it’d stay for 7-14 days before final deletion, with the ability to recover them easily up until then, and also email the author about the deletion.
  • Is there a way a export a Model, so that it can be imported and restored later on? (make our own backups, probably to store them on a Google Drive or similar, to make sure we can recover them if needed, by restoring/importing them back)

@heidi_causal I think those feature would give a much greater peace of mind for most users! I can’t take the risk of spending hundreds of hours on a tool that anybody in the team can delete by mistake without any way to recover it.

Edit : Small precision, teammates who don’t have “Admin” access cannot delete a model, I wasn’t aware I was given admin access to the model.

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Hey @Tierney_Santoro :slight_smile: The “department” functionality you’re talking about is available on our Business plan. See here: Pricing - Causal

Suggestion: @heidi_causal : I think Causal is losing a lot of business because the pricing is not clear after the 50/mo license. I’ve “requested help” and not received any on pricing for several months. But most people probably just stop when they see they need to negotiate something to go further. I don’t have a problem with paying reasonable fees for features, but I’d like to see a menu of pricing. I’d like to see a license that is appropriate for a consultant helping multiple startups get off to a flying start with a Causal based business model simulation. This would require multiple independent teams and no ability for clients to accidently delete the work. I am also concerned about the permanency of the saved models when things are being shared - this is a big risk so the rules need to be crystal clear.

Thanks for your suggestion to refer to the pricing page, however, when I go to the pricing link to look for Business Plan, all it says is to contact you!? Where is the feature/price list? Perhaps you could also comment on the best practices for a consultant working with multiple clients. How should the licensing be arranged and how should the models be organized/compartmentalized?

Hey @Ambroise - apologies for the slow response here.

On the ability to delete models:

  • Only admins of models can delete models. If you accidentally delete a model, message us on live chat and we should be able to recover it for you.
  • I have passed your Trash/Bin idea onto our product team!

On teams:

  • Custom teams are only available on Business plans.

On folders: We are currently re-thinking how folder organisation works, so stay tuned! Appreciate the feedback.

On exporting and/or backing up models:

  • Exporting: You can export Causal models to Excel and Google Sheets, either as values, or with formulas intact (however this functionality is still experimental, as Causal has functions and concepts that Excel does not). Note however that you can not re-import in the same fashion, so it is not a true “Causal back-up”. To export, Click on the Settings icon in the far right of the toolbar in Spreadsheet mode, and then click on the Export section.

  • Backing up: Causal automatically takes snapshots/backups of your models at regular intervals, so you shouldn’t have to worry about exporting things out of Causal in order to back them up safely. To access these snapshots, click on the History button in the tool bar in Spreadsheet mode.

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