It would really be cool if a data link could be established on the aggregated “top-level” of the variable, even if the variable itself has a category breakdown assigned.
Where would this come in handy:
typically, several costs of different vendors end up on the same nominal account.
when planning, it is often best to explicitly plan out each vendor by itself
when pulling in actuals, though, it’s often barely possible to divvy them back out so that they fall back into the fully categorized schema
however, for a plan/actuals analysis, it would be totally sufficient to just have the actuals of the nominal account compared to the sum of the planned category-values within the variable.
Clearly, I could introduce another variable that aggregates the category-values and apply the data-link on that, but the models are already getting quite complex as also parameters still need to reside in separate variables.
For the sake of keeping the models clean I believe that would be a great feature (maybe with an option toggle to switch back and forth between category-import vs aggregated import so that things are clear).
Hello Fabian this is an interesting idea. The fix right now, as you correctly pointed out, is to add a variable that aggregates away the categories, and link that new aggregated variable to the historical data range/s. But I do see how that can be duplicative if you’re doing it for multiple variables in a model.
I’ll pass your suggestion onto the team to ponder. We’d have to make sure it isn’t visually confusing!
Hey, everyone! I can’t +1 this enough! I tried adding my actuals for the first time today, and met this problem. This is close to a dealbreaker for me, as importing actuals on a categorised level is out of the question due to how accounting software works. It is a huge difference in time spent to bring the aggregated accounting account for salaries into Causal, compared to the per employee breakdown.
As you say, the workaround gets very duplicative. If I were to bring in actuals for what I consider most important, I would quickly end up duplicating half my model.
About the visual confusion and a potential fix: Just as you show dotted lines on the forecast, and a hard line on the actuals, you could make the cells of the subcategories that have been “overwritten” have a grey background as to say “they are not considered”. Just an idea!