Configurable tick intervals for charts

Hi guys,

it would be really helpful if it was possible to influence the tick intervals on the charts, particularly line and bar time-series charts.

If you’re looking at multiple years, it gets really confusing which month is which, particularly if in case of the bar charts, the ticks don’t start on January but on FEB or March, and it varies across the years which months get a tick mark and which ones don’t.

Ideally it should be possible to

  • set the interval for large ticks (with labels)
  • and small ticks (only displaying vertical lines)
  • as well as the first period on which ticks should start (so that you can be sure it always starts on a January, regardless of when your overall, view-based or user-defined time period for the graph starts)

Hey Fabian :wave: do you mind showing us a screenshot of what your charts currently look like with the tick intervals?

I have an idea of the ideal state you’d like to get to - but want to make sure I’m understanding your current issue correctly.

sorry for the late reply, Heidi!

Here are a couple sample graphs from Causal:

and a sample with customized, more meaningful tick marks

Thank you & BR Fabian

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