Select between sum and avarage, and set uncertainty on a per variable basis in charts


For many values, such as COGS as % of revenue, churn and MRR, adding them together might not be correct for the chart when switching time scales from monthly → quarterly → annual.

Churn for instance, should compound, while COGS as % of revenue and recurring revenue might be better averaged over the period. I would like to set this in chart settings for tables.

When working with charts I would also like the option to turn off uncertainty displays for certain variables, so that I can make a clear trend line without uncertainty variations through a larger set of data. This would make the charts more easily readable.


This one actually matters a lot because it creates opporunities for serious errors in interpretation of the models. As it only sums up, it might look like my COGS as % of revenue over a period of a quarter is 45% rather than 15 etc.

So, I figured this is possible, but only when using the “timeseries” or “static” view by clicking the variable name under the graph. There is (as far as I can find) no such place to click in the table views.

Hey @Kvam !

So on your first point - For many values, such as COGS as % of revenue, churn and MRR, adding them together might not be correct for the chart when switching time scales from monthly → quarterly → annual.

Have you seen our Time Aggregation settings? This enables you to determine how variables are “rolled up” into higher-levels of time

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On your second point: I would also like the option to turn off uncertainty displays for certain variables, so that I can make a clear trend line without uncertainty variations through a larger set of data

Yes - you can do this in the advanced settings here

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Hi, Heidi!

Thanks for your feedback!

So on your first point - For many values, such as COGS as % of revenue, churn and MRR, adding them together might not be correct for the chart when switching time scales from monthly → quarterly → annual.
Have you seen our Time Aggregation settings? This enables you to determine how variables are “rolled up” into higher-levels of time

That’s great, and no I hadn’t seen that! I suppose the reason I didn’t find it was because my mentality was on “dashboard mode” so I didn’t think to find that option in the right click menu of a specific variable.

I did find the time aggregation settings, but only by clicking on a specific variable in the chart. Not in the chart settings where the variables are also listed. E.g.: I expected to find it here:

Yes - you can do this in the advanced settings here

As for this, I wanted the ability to set the uncertainty interval of only one of the variables in a chart, so that I can do a trend line (without uncertainty) over a bar chart (with uncertainties). I still can not figure out how to do that.

Got it! I’ll pass this onto our product team, thanks for the feedback!